Received my first speeding ticket today. I feel as though I am a part of the club now, whatever club that might be...It was incredibly stupid. I'm not sure that I really deserved, but such is life. Better to be stopped while completely sober and making a stupid mistake as going about ten over then stopped because you were swerving and our had a couple too many beers. And I have done that a few times. I consider myself lucky.
I attended a baby shower today. It was nice. Seeing family is always a sweet thing. The whole baby shower bonanza, however, is a little ridiculous. But that's okay. I am a little tipsy, as I seem to be lately when I write so freely. So I begin to contemplate my childhood and all of the things my parents did wrong. Granite I love the both very much and would be devastated at there demise, but, there's always a but...they fucked up royally. For some reason the John Mayer line "father's be good to your daughter's" keeps popping in my head. I suppose I am just thinking about how easily parents don't try with their children today. People take kids for granted so much. They're a fucking gift for fucks sake! Don't lose sight of that! The little bastards didn't ask to be here so don't make them regret it! And by little bastards, I include myself. I am very grateful for the relationship I have with my parents. I only hope that I can help others with their own relationships with their children. Wasting years of something so precious isn't worth it. So...hug your child everyday and tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Listen, don't always talk. Stare at them sometimes, whether it weirds them out or not, and observe your own walking miracle. And don't ever let that love go in you parent child relationship. That is probably the most important relationship in a person's life. And read this people and learn something....