Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Interesting thought I had the other day... the only people who ever called me and idealist and said that my ideas were good, but they would never happen....men. Yep, I pretty much decided that even if I've had females disagree with me, never did they raise there voice and talk to me like a was a silly dreamer with her head in the clouds. All that negativity comes from males. Very interesting indeed.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

WTF was that cougar thinking!

So, it's pretty late. I'm enjoying a nice cold beverage; it seems as good a time as any to blog my thoughts on the day. Work, that minimum wage job that I have, not too shabby, except for the last customer of the night. Crazy cougar who believed herself to be a "stylist". Short version she had a return that would never end and I didn't get out of there til well after 10 o'clock. What made me laugh, besides her entire presence and demeanor, the fact that she looked at my manager and asked, "Do they receive over-time pay for this?" Hmmm. I'm pretty sure when your working as a part-time cashier for a corporation making hourly, there is no such thing as over-time. Nope folks, I have pretty much put myself in yet again another lame ass job that doesn't pay me enough. So, my questions to myself; is school going to be worth it? Am I completely wasting my time right now working a lame ass job waiting to attend an institution that I will never fully agree with, mostly because the possibility of the world ending in a couple of years is still in the air? Shouldn't we all just say screw it, screw these boring and pointless jobs and careers that we focus on so much. Let's get out there and do whatever the hell it is we wanna do! Why do we allow ourselves to get sucked into the so-called American Ideal or American Dream. Yeah let me work my ass off so I can get some paper and buy more junk. Survival and fun. That is what life should be all about. Side note: I heard an awesome song today by the Expendables. Don't know if you've heard of them, there new to me, but I like 'em. I think the title was, oh hell I can't remember, but anyway it was about enjoying a nice bowl of goodness with your lover or friend. Go check it out. Well, I do believe I am going to finish my beverage and get some sleep. G'night, whomever reads this...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Apples to Apples is the best game. Connecting random adjectives and nouns, my fav. I made a ridiculous chocolate mousse pie. Waaay too much confectioners sugar. I now feel like a tweaker, only I have no desire to work on cars. Played the lotto today and thought about what exactly I would do with a mega million win. First, get married in the Redwoods. Then, buy some property, most likely in the Colorado Rockies or Ireland and take some agriculture classes, maybe some survival classes. Learn basically everything I have ever wanted to, i.e. rappelling, skydiving, bow hunting (for survival purposes only I'm not that sick), and probably go on a huge book/movie shopping spree. Def. get into some investing, not necessarily stocks. Def put a lot of money into education for the U.S. Def in five or so years have a child of our own and either adopt or open up a children's program of sorts. The list could go on and on. Then thought, do we need money to fulfill our dreams in modern society? I guess in some ways yes. I think that's pretty lame. I know that if I did have millions, it would be gone by the time I was dead. I mean, I would not let my kids have a trust fund, and I wouldn't let it go to junk. It would def have to be spread out in some way. It would have to really make a difference otherwise what is the point in having money. After all, its just paper. I wonder what it was like to live in a time where you could just go out and claim ownership over space. Build a home for your family and live to survive. When I was a little girl, I was in love with the idea of a huge house and lots of money. That really isn't as appealing now. I would much rather settle for a small house, a little bit a land and just enough food to eat, water to drink and clothes to keep me warm. I think being a nomad is the best idea. If you think about it, it allows for the land and animals and whatnot to replenish. Maybe we were really meant to be a nomadic breed.
Although I may wish for this simple nature-oriented, survivalist kind of lifestyle, and to be a minimalist, I don't know if that is exactly the standard I will live up to. That is a very depressing realization. I am just another obnoxious, pointless, destructive, messy human-being. I am most likely too lazy to live a natural life, though I will try my best I will fail. I do not believe in sinners, or other weird sadistic terms like that to describe the human race. Unfortunately, we are simply human. We may the intelligence and capabilities to perform wonders and miracles, but I think that being human is what will always hold us back from being simplistic and naturalistic. To those that do, I commend you on your abilities. I guess I'm done ranting for now. Goodnight or good morning.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I was flipping through channels last night and found Arnold "The Governator" being interviewed on Nightline. It's about a 7 or 8 minute interview about what he's been doing lately and where he will go after his term is up. What caught my attention was when the oil spill was mentioned and his opinions on it. I personally have never really appreciated the idea on an actor such as Schwarzenegger being so involved in politics. However, after hearing what he had to say about the spill, I may have to change my opinion of him ever so slightly. I'm gonna post the video here watch for yourselves. It's about 4 and half 5 min. into it. He basically says as a country we are to blame for not pushing oil companies to have safety features. I have to agree. It is the nations fault we are in this mess. Not to downplay BP's responsibility or Congress or any of the other a-holes who didn't help the situation, but it is up to us as the people to take back our country. It is up to us to pay attention to the details and stay involved. This country has gone to shit because people became lazy and self absorbed, which in turn allowed lazy self absorbed douchebags to weasel their way into office. We may be able to take a lot of money from BP and give them a bad rep, but that does not in any way make up for what has happened. The damage is done. Most of us use oil in one way or another. If we don't want another oil spill to happen drilling must stop. We must force our political leaders to use other sources of fuel. Force them to stop throwing money at "wars" and to big companies. Make them put money into education and better energy sources.

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is a little more difficult than I imagined. I'm not sure what to talk about. Definitely don't want to be one of those people who posts all of their intimate life moments on the internet. I'm planning to start posting one of my stories eventually. Then should be entertaining enough for people to read. At any rate, I will say that I watched Religulous last night. Great movie if you haven't seen it. A very important message for the human population. It's time to let go of your addictions and live life with common sense. It's interesting how many addictions there are out there now. Besides alcohol and the countless drugs that pop up (prescription and non-prescription), now there is a thing called sex addiction. It's quite sad really. Most of these people with sex addictions were physically and mentally abused as children, or have had some traumatic experience. No wonder they have intimacy issues. Of course the "sex sells" agenda in modern society was also considered a factor in this addiction. Especially porn on the net. I have a possible solution to this problem. Re-educate people on sex and its consequences and pleasures. Sexual education is so important at a young age. The more kids understand what its all about, the healthier an outlook they will have. Also, educating parents on how to talk to their children is incredibly important. Many parents, it seems, allow their children to whatever they please with whomever they please. Others are way too strict and say that God says no to sex. The lack of education in this country has destroyed people. It explains everything, why there are so many homophobes, racists, fascists, voyeurs, pedophiles, pimps, and even murderers; everyone is affected by society and their home life. Change society and the home life, change the world. It's so simple yet very few people try. I know that it's virtually impossible to get people to really care about what goes on around them, but its worth a shot. If your going to complain about the assholes of the world and the hurtful, then do something about it. I imagine a wonderful world where we don't really need politicians, maybe they exist, but they are philosophers. They don't bother us unless we ask for them or there help. Money doesn't exist. We barter and cultivate our own food. We only eat enough to survive and we all have plenty of time to play and enjoy the sunshine. Most people smoke marijuana to calm themselves. Other drugs aren't necessary except for those who actually depend on them for survival. Everyone meditates on a regular basis or does yoga or tai chi. Musicians are not wealthy because there is no money. All of the stuff that consumes our lives, the cars, obnoxious jewelry, televisions, cell phones, decorative garbage, all of it is gone. People no longer need material possessions to fill a void, or their intelligence is higher and they no longer see the use for it all. That, my friends, is a world I want to live in. Oh yes, and anymore douchebags and assholes are sent away to an island where they can torment each other and leave everyone in peace.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two cups of coffee

I'm wired right now, thank you caffeine, off to work in ten minutes. Just thought I would post a little something while my mind is wandering in the silence of an empty house. It's amazing how silence can be so irritating. I used to think I liked "peace and quiet." I've come to realize that even when studying or reading I prefer at least the sounds of nature to nothing but the light rumble an AC unit. So I play music, or leave the tv on to substitute this silence. I wonder what it was like to be at the old Shakespearean plays, where apparently everyone had excellent hearing capabilities, even sitting at the upper level people could hear the untampered voices of the actors. It's not surprising that people had better hearing at that time. Today you go to a movie and the speakers will practically burst from the high volume. I would love to see more silent films. I love foreign films. Having to read to understand and pay attention to the expressions and actions of the characters. I guess it could be similar to silent films if you don't speak the language. I hate dubbing, unless it's an Asian film. Like the old Godzilla movies. Watching as the mouths can't quite correlate with what is being said. Anyways, enough rambling for now. Off to minimum wage I go....

My first "blog"

I always thought the word blogger sounded completely lame, yet here I am. I have decided, with a little advice from my wonderful fiance, to start blogging. I'm not sure if anyone will read this or respond, besides a few friends and family members trying to be supportive, but what the hell. Lets give it a try...

I suppose I will start with talking a little bit about why I have started this in the first place. I am one of those people that talks...a lot...about everything. I am incredibly opinionated and a bit of a ranter when it comes to world issues, my views on parenting, and basically what everyone is doing wrong with their lives. Journals and simply writing things down don't seem to really do it for me anymore. I hope to have other people read my thoughts and give their own opinions. I guess I am now going to be a blogger.