Thursday, June 10, 2010

I was flipping through channels last night and found Arnold "The Governator" being interviewed on Nightline. It's about a 7 or 8 minute interview about what he's been doing lately and where he will go after his term is up. What caught my attention was when the oil spill was mentioned and his opinions on it. I personally have never really appreciated the idea on an actor such as Schwarzenegger being so involved in politics. However, after hearing what he had to say about the spill, I may have to change my opinion of him ever so slightly. I'm gonna post the video here watch for yourselves. It's about 4 and half 5 min. into it. He basically says as a country we are to blame for not pushing oil companies to have safety features. I have to agree. It is the nations fault we are in this mess. Not to downplay BP's responsibility or Congress or any of the other a-holes who didn't help the situation, but it is up to us as the people to take back our country. It is up to us to pay attention to the details and stay involved. This country has gone to shit because people became lazy and self absorbed, which in turn allowed lazy self absorbed douchebags to weasel their way into office. We may be able to take a lot of money from BP and give them a bad rep, but that does not in any way make up for what has happened. The damage is done. Most of us use oil in one way or another. If we don't want another oil spill to happen drilling must stop. We must force our political leaders to use other sources of fuel. Force them to stop throwing money at "wars" and to big companies. Make them put money into education and better energy sources.


  1. I agree with what your saying, however and it is unfortunate that it would take 10 more oil spills at the cost of millions of marine wildlife before the world on a whole would even consider an alternate "safer "fuel source. Oil not to mention "War" is a cash cow for people in power and if people continue to live their lives oblivious to that fact nothing will change in our lifetime :/

  2. I's totally lame, people are lame
