Monday, June 7, 2010

This is a little more difficult than I imagined. I'm not sure what to talk about. Definitely don't want to be one of those people who posts all of their intimate life moments on the internet. I'm planning to start posting one of my stories eventually. Then should be entertaining enough for people to read. At any rate, I will say that I watched Religulous last night. Great movie if you haven't seen it. A very important message for the human population. It's time to let go of your addictions and live life with common sense. It's interesting how many addictions there are out there now. Besides alcohol and the countless drugs that pop up (prescription and non-prescription), now there is a thing called sex addiction. It's quite sad really. Most of these people with sex addictions were physically and mentally abused as children, or have had some traumatic experience. No wonder they have intimacy issues. Of course the "sex sells" agenda in modern society was also considered a factor in this addiction. Especially porn on the net. I have a possible solution to this problem. Re-educate people on sex and its consequences and pleasures. Sexual education is so important at a young age. The more kids understand what its all about, the healthier an outlook they will have. Also, educating parents on how to talk to their children is incredibly important. Many parents, it seems, allow their children to whatever they please with whomever they please. Others are way too strict and say that God says no to sex. The lack of education in this country has destroyed people. It explains everything, why there are so many homophobes, racists, fascists, voyeurs, pedophiles, pimps, and even murderers; everyone is affected by society and their home life. Change society and the home life, change the world. It's so simple yet very few people try. I know that it's virtually impossible to get people to really care about what goes on around them, but its worth a shot. If your going to complain about the assholes of the world and the hurtful, then do something about it. I imagine a wonderful world where we don't really need politicians, maybe they exist, but they are philosophers. They don't bother us unless we ask for them or there help. Money doesn't exist. We barter and cultivate our own food. We only eat enough to survive and we all have plenty of time to play and enjoy the sunshine. Most people smoke marijuana to calm themselves. Other drugs aren't necessary except for those who actually depend on them for survival. Everyone meditates on a regular basis or does yoga or tai chi. Musicians are not wealthy because there is no money. All of the stuff that consumes our lives, the cars, obnoxious jewelry, televisions, cell phones, decorative garbage, all of it is gone. People no longer need material possessions to fill a void, or their intelligence is higher and they no longer see the use for it all. That, my friends, is a world I want to live in. Oh yes, and anymore douchebags and assholes are sent away to an island where they can torment each other and leave everyone in peace.


  1. OMG! Great minds (or best friends) totally think alike!!!! I watched that movie last Saturday and I was laughing hysterically!!! He was so funny and so real, a little rude but possibly necessary to get the point across. I have NEVER, nor do I think many other people have ever, thought about religion the way he put it. How could so many intelligent people believe something so ridiculous. lol!

  2. Yes, I believe they do think alike :)
