Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two cups of coffee

I'm wired right now, thank you caffeine, off to work in ten minutes. Just thought I would post a little something while my mind is wandering in the silence of an empty house. It's amazing how silence can be so irritating. I used to think I liked "peace and quiet." I've come to realize that even when studying or reading I prefer at least the sounds of nature to nothing but the light rumble an AC unit. So I play music, or leave the tv on to substitute this silence. I wonder what it was like to be at the old Shakespearean plays, where apparently everyone had excellent hearing capabilities, even sitting at the upper level people could hear the untampered voices of the actors. It's not surprising that people had better hearing at that time. Today you go to a movie and the speakers will practically burst from the high volume. I would love to see more silent films. I love foreign films. Having to read to understand and pay attention to the expressions and actions of the characters. I guess it could be similar to silent films if you don't speak the language. I hate dubbing, unless it's an Asian film. Like the old Godzilla movies. Watching as the mouths can't quite correlate with what is being said. Anyways, enough rambling for now. Off to minimum wage I go....

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